teeth and lips

How Teeth Whitening Works

Teeth whitening is one of the quickest & least invasive ways to make a huge difference in the appearance of your smile. Most dentists offer either in-office teeth whitening, take-home teeth whitening kits, or both. The effectiveness of these whitening methods varies slightly, but the way they work is generally the same. While many people refer

teeth bleaching

How Teeth Bleaching Works

Teeth bleaching is one of the quickest & least invasive ways to make a huge difference in the appearance of your smile. Most dentists offer either in-office teeth whitening, take-home teeth whitening kits, or both. The effectiveness of these whitening methods varies slightly, but the way they work is generally the same. While many people

happy smile

What’s a Periodontist & Why Do I Need One?

You’re used to going to the dentist & just seeing the doctor, the hygienist & maybe a dental assistant. But now you’ve been told you need to see a periodontist too. Now you’re thinking, “Perio-what?” If you’ve never heard the word periodontist, don’t worry. To put it plainly, a periodontist is a dentist who specializes

creating dental caps or crowns

Dental Crowns 101

Dental crowns, or caps, are one of the most common restorative dental procedures that dentists perform. If you’ve been told you need a crown, there’s no reason to worry. Dental crowns allow us to restore your smile both functionally & aesthetically, & modern techniques mean we can complete the procedure faster than in the past.

use insurance benefits to save money on dental care

Be Sure to Use Your Dental Benefits Every Year

If you have dental insurance, your insurance company provides you with a certain dental benefits each year. In case you’re not very familiar with insurance vocabulary, you can think of an insurance benefit as a dental service that the insurance company pays all or most of the cost of. Most dental plans cover the most

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