
perfect teeth

Is Tooth Polishing Necessary?

We know that for most of our patients, their favorite part of a dental cleaning is how smooth and clean their teeth feel afterward, not to mention how shiny they are. Tooth polishing has long been part of the dental checkup routine ever since the 1700s when Pierre Fauchard, the father of modern dentistry, recommended


What Is Toothpaste Made Of?

These days people are being more and more conscious of what’s in the food they eat and the products they buy. But do you know what your toothpaste is made of? The answer is there are many different compounds that make up toothpaste. Modern toothpaste is truly a marvel of modern science that can remove

old fashioned barber shop

A Fun Timeline of Early Dental History

From magic spells to seeing the barber for a toothache, caring for teeth has a long and storied history. Here are some of the most significant moments in the history of early dentistry, right up until when the word “dentist” was first coined. 5000 BC – Tooth Worms Ancient Sumerian people believe cavities and tooth

wisdom teeth pain

The Causes of Wisdom Tooth Pain

Generally speaking, there are two types of wisdom tooth pain: the kind that indicates a problem and the kind that’s just part of growing up. In case you don’t know, wisdom teeth are an additional set of adult molars that typically start coming in between ages 17 and 21. Most children finish getting their adult

dentist making heart around tooth

The Link Between Gum Disease & Heart Disease

Recent studies have revealed that there is a strong correlation between gum disease and cardiovascular disease. Gum disease, which is referred to by dentists as periodontitis, is when the space between your teeth and gums becomes infected, creating pockets of bacterial infection that leads to swollen, bloody gums, bone loss, and eventual tooth loss. Cardiovascular

dental bridge

Dental Bridges Abridged

There are many ways to replace missing teeth & restore your smile, & bridges are a good permanent solution. They can replace one or more missing teeth, including molars, & cannot be removed, unlike dentures. Bridges are called bridges because they create a “bridge” between teeth. The false tooth, called a pontic, is connected to

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